The Compare dashboard explores transferable skills between jobs, helps identify which jobs to source STAR talent from, and enables discovery pathways for mobility within your organization and across the region by finding adjacent roles with skill overlap.
This dashboard can be used to expand the talent pool by:
- Finding jobs where STARs excel
- Viewing pathways for upward mobility
- Identifying transferable skills.
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Search for a job title to explore top skills and roles
Use the search box at the top to search for a role type, then view skills and other data for that role.
View alternative job titles, open roles, and hiring employers
This chart can support expanding a search by offering the top alternative job roles available in the area and identifying the top employers for those jobs.
Insight into roles with skill development for workers
When searching for STARs to hire for a role, this chart will help identify other roles where STARs may already develop the skills needed.
Discover transitional roles and skill alignment
Use these companion charts to learn more about the pathways workers are taking to transition into new roles, compare skills gaps between transition roles, and gain insight into potential wage gains.
Transitional Role Pathways Chart
Using a selected job as the point of origination (source job) and a transitional role, this chart shows:
- the estimated number of workers transitioning from one to the other
- the wage levels between roles (to demonstrate the increased earning potential for STARs).
Comparative Skill Chart
The web chart on the right demonstrates the skill match between roles and the alignment or gaps in skills. This enables the hiring employer to identify potential training opportunities and the expertise they can expect when hiring STARs.
Learn more about this dashboard with the Compare Dashboard User Guides.